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Mobile App Available!


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Do you prefer having a dedicated app on your mobile device's home screen instead of using its web browser? 

Well, we have great news!  We've put together a PWA (Progressive Web App) that will allow members to install a dedicated app for the site directly onto their devices.  This will be similar to other applications you use on your devices.  Unlike a browser, this will allow you to receive real time notifications such as when you get a PM, someone replies to your topic, etc even if you aren't in the app.  Not all members may want to install an app, in which case using your devices web browser as you always have will continue to work as it always has. 👍

Note:  If you have an existing Home Screen app/shortcut for Griddle Madness, you will need to delete it and re-add with the process below!


A progressive web app (PWA) is an app that's built using web platform technologies, but that provides a user experience like that of a platform-specific app.
Read more at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Progressive_web_apps/Guides/What_is_a_progressive_web_app



For iOS (iPhone, iPad, etc) on Safari:

Add a website icon to your Home Screen

You can add a website icon to your iPhone Home Screen for quick access.

  1. While viewing the website, tap the Share button in the menu bar.
  2. Scroll down the list of options, then tap Add to Home Screen.

If you don’t see Add to Home Screen, you can add it. Scroll down to the bottom of the list, tap Edit Actions, then tap 7c24a87974c9f3d927f73dd5edc48c38.png Add to Home Screen.
The icon appears only on the device where you add it.


Note: Some websites may ask for permission to send you notifications. You can change your notification settings at any time. See Change notification settings.



For Android on Chrome:

Follow the instructions here https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/9658361?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&oco=0




There are two main steps:

  1. Enable Push notifications within the app you installed on your device
    • Open the app
    • Click the menu on the top right image.png.7a8c50d17cfaeab6106a7d185be32e7e.png
    • Click Account
    • Click Account Settings
    • Click Notification Settings
    • Scroll down and Enable Push for the device
  2. Configure what you'd like to receive Push Notifications for
    • Quick link to Notification Options:  https://www.griddlemadness.com/notifications/options/
    • On the device you installed the app, go to your account's notifications and configure what you want for Push:
      • Desktop: 
        • Click your username on the top right of the screen
        • Click Account Settings
        • Click Notification Settings on the right side under Other Settings
        • Configure what you'd like to have Push for
      • Mobile or in app:
        • Click the menu on the top right image.png.7a8c50d17cfaeab6106a7d185be32e7e.png
        • Click Account
        • Click Account Settings
        • Click Notification Settings
        • Configure what you'd like to have Push for


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