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The_Real_TCIII last won the day on May 14

The_Real_TCIII had the most liked content!

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    New York
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  1. That's a good idea. I refried it tonight and hit it with some stir fry sauce, it was good not great.
  2. First time doing fried rice. It didn't have a lot of flavor. I used jasmine, melted half a stick of butter in it. Also put stir fry sauce on, I guess not enough!
  3. I scrubbed and scraped. Like Crappy I couldn't get all the black layer off. I need a stone
  4. Trout yesterday, back straps today. Stir fry later
  5. I also cant seem to get mine to "take" the seasoning after a restoration. I'm just going to keep cooking on it and see how she goes
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